Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday 29 January 2010

Bold and Noble poster. Coffee plant.
I saw this poster in 3 magazines picked up in London in November. Wanted it. Made some extra cash, ordered it and got it today. I love that so many city names make me think of friends I love. The smaller of the two coffee plants in the terrarium developed a winter malaise and I am now fairly sure shan't survive. But a trip to the green green of my plant store could be welcome tomorrow.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Bag of bags, now located at the top of the stairs. My keychain.
Again, the Fishes Eddy bag is cool, but I'm not sure why we store this here. I keep thinking, "must get on that...." The keychain: last year I decided I needed a new one. I wanted something colorful, unique, yet useful. Once I imagined what I wanted, I found this, in a beloved store in SF, in a favorite neighborhood, for cheap. It is bright, easy to find in a bag, and niftily crafty. And as I conjured it up, I clearly have magic powers.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Locally made, espressso coffee soda. Backyard.
This soda is amazingly good and a bit hard, but not impossible, to come by. Always feel like a treat. And look, even the backyard is clearly depressed that it is winter.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Plastic coin purse, perfect size for my ipod shuffle. Morning gone.

Monday 25 January 2010

Rainy (not snowy) day. Chipping windowsill.
I like our apartment and our street. Sometimes it is good not to be an owner.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday 22 January 2010

Pepper plant. Pepper plant.
From across the room, things look bad for this seeding. Up close, it is a bit more optimistic. And beautiful. I'm sure there is a message there. Plants and nature are already emerging as a theme. Funny that-

Thursday 21 January 2010

View from the Rutgers Newark parking lot. Trash can needs a new bag.
I love working where I work. Even if rushing around means time is often too short.

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Crocus bulbs getting some sun. Messy desk.
The semester has started and life is crazy. To fend off winter funk, I've started some bulbs. The crocus goes out during the day and comes in at night, like a pet.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Easter Domokun. Files that need sorting out.
Sometimes even clutter can make me smile.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday 18 January 2010

New Stairs. Old Stairs.
We have this lovely fire escape/deck at the back of our apartment. From it, stairs lead down to the ground backyard. Alas, the stairs had been long ignored by the landlord, grew slimey green stuff on them, split and were not a little dangerous. Last week, they were replaced. Laundry is now safe again.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday 15 January 2010

Sexy office supplies make semester prep more glam. This pile of laundry has been in the entry hall longer than I care to admit.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday 14 January 2010

Retro Alarm clock that wakes one up with light. Toes two months past their last real pedicure.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Oxfam America's donations page. Haiti earthquake news.
In our world, I expect to know big news almost immediately, but I was in a cave when the Haiti earthquake happened.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Chocolate and a groovy tin from friends, we're not sure why. Wintering plants that (still) need to be composted.
Today has been stressful. Almost enough to make me blog about life. But the long list of things undone can be summarized by the second image and potential solutions are represented by the first.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday 11 January 2010

Costco salted, caramelled macadamia clusters. The corner of the bathtub.
Often, looks are deceiving. The tub of clusters is not appealing, but the objects inside are sublime. They are also seasonal, so the joy they give is fleeting. This bathtub is actually clean, despite the icky grout and caulk stains. (I barely even notice anymore that the tub is pink. But yes, yes it certainly is.)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Friday 8 January 2010

My husband's Stereolab posters. Murdered rosemary christmas tree.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Tartan blanket from Edinburgh- the perfect blue. Pile of stuff on the dresser.
There is a fine line between the beautiful and the ugly. Many things in the ugly shot are, on their own, lovely. In a heap, not so much.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Lavender soap in a loved Indian dish. Cold water, silverware and popsicle stick in the sink.
Two things: My kitchen has the best light in the house, hands down. Also, posting the ugly without vanity will be hard. This morning dish is reality, but gross.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Coffee plant in the office terrarium. Important papers on the cork board.
I don't like using the flash. I need to remember to take my pictures in the morning.

Monday 4 January 2010

Kitchen counter chaos. Cherry strudel for breakfast.
Things I'm already learning: This will make me figure out my camera. The artsy, grainy format was not intentional.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Project

I'm doing this because I've found that we modern folks often present our best sides to the world online: our prettiest photos, our snappiest comments, the highlights. (One could, of course, argue all public life has this in common. But online life is somehow even more of a one way conversation and is more filtered.) Perhaps this makes us look at the good things in our lives. But I think that sometimes we also find our lives lacking when comparisons are made--to others' lives or to our presented lives. So I thought I'd do a project that looks at both the beautiful and the hideous in everyday life.

General rules/observations:
1) I am a historian. Photos might not always be posted the day they are taken, but will at least be properly labelled. (Revised Feb. 7. : I'll do what I can. )
2) I don't like flash.
3) Revised Sept. 27: There will generally be a beautiful and an ugly everyday. But sometimes it may be up to the viewer to suss out which is which. And sometimes, if I find I'm having to actively search for one or the other, I'll post whatever the heck I feel like. I think the central rule is I'll be aiming to avoid the prettified version of life.
4) Thus far, I'm not aiming for themes or connections between the two daily photos. But they will surely creep in.
5) There will be some redundancy. I hope the patterns illuminate.
6) Sometimes the beauty or the ugly is less in the visual presented and more in the essence of the thing.
7) Sometimes the beautiful and the ugly present themselves almost simultaneously.
8) Sept. 27: I'm gearing up for some big changes in my life. As this happens, I want to include more words, more other stuff. I think I'll still try to be spare with words on image heavy days, but if words are needed to clarify, I'll use them. And if I feel like recording something I didn't get a picture of, or linking to a song, I'll let myself do that too.
9) The goal is five posts a week, generally on weekdays. Sometimes I'll post late at night. (Secret: My computer is on Hawaii time.) Sometimes pics of the previous day will be the material.